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Baldwinsville Little League - Safety

Safety is a primary concern for the Baldwinsville Little League. We all share in the responsibility of creating a safe and fun environment for the youth of our community to learn and play the game of baseball. Little League’s most valuable asset are the people, making the operation of a safe and healthy program the top priority. Always considering the well-being of the players, volunteers, and fans, Little League has diligently developed player safety resources that can make the experience positive and memorable.

"Do the Right Thing"

-Diane Reeves

***Coronavirus Update***

The health and safety of our athletes, coaches, and volunteers remain Baldwinsville Little League’s highest priority. Below, you will find a summary of resources and actions we are taking to help ensure we are lowering COVID-19 risk as much as possible while also allowing our athletes to play.  Please review the following documents below for guidance that provides best practices for providing a safe place to play, while stressing the importance of mitigating the spread of COVID-19.

Please contact your League Commissioner or Chris Kidder, Safety Officer with any questions.

Stop the Spread

NYS Interim Guidance for Sports and Recreation during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

Managers and Coaches Guide for Practicing and Playing Games

COVID-19 Waiver





Incident Tracking

Incident Injury Tracking Form

Little League International has dramatically reduced accidents since the inception of the ASAP by reporting and tracking accidents and near misses. We must always keep a shape eye for the “almosts” as well.

You may contact the safety officer at anytime to discuss injuries. Please remember that:

  • Any and all accidents or near misses which occur during practices and/or games are to be reported to the Safety Officer or League President within 24 hours. If the Safety Officer cannot be reached, please contact the League President or any other BLL Board Member.
  • Any incident that causes a player, manager, coach, umpire, volunteer or spectator to receive any type of medical or first aid treatment, must be reported and the Accident Notification Form must be filled out, signed by the League Safety Officer and submitted to Williamsport.
  • An Incident/Injury Tracking Report must also be filled out and delivered/emailed to the Safety Officer ([email protected]) within 48 hours. This form should also be utilized to report near misses. Please identify at the top of the form that a near miss occurred.

CDC Concussion Training

One of the main jobs of a youth sports coach is keeping athletes safe. The below training is required for all Managers and Coaches on a biennial basis to help protect athletes from concussion or other serious brain injury, learn how to spot a concussion, and know what to do if a concussion occurs.

Concussions in Youth Athletes

After success completion of this training, please email your CDC Heads Up Certificate of Completion to your League Commissioner and Safety Officer.

A Safety Awareness Program - ASAP Plan

The Baldwinsville Little League Safety Program is designed to meet all the requirements and guidelines recommended by Little League International.  If you have any questions regarding our Safety Program, please contact the League President or Safety Officer.

 Little League ASAP Plan

Little League Baseball and Softball Medical Release

Little League ® Baseball and Softball MEDICAL RELEASE NOTE: To be carried by any Regular Season or Tournament Team Manager together with team roster or International Tournament affidavit.

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